Does Pressure Washing Damage Concrete Driveway?

Does Pressure Washing Damage Concrete Driveway?

Reading up on pressure washing online will show you just how many horror stories are starting to be associated with it. After all, there is no end to the number of people that frequently mention the kind of problems they are currently facing in the world of pressure washing, and perhaps the most common problem that they would be forced to go through would be that of damaging concrete without a shadow of a doubt. Several pressure washers claim that pressure washing can damage and scratch up concrete surfaces at this current point in time, but is there any truth to what they are saying? Let’s get to the bottom of it by doing some good old fashioned research so that we can uncover the facts in a manner that is most objective and replicable in various real world scenarios.

The first thing that we would like to tell you is that pressure washing most definitely has the potential to damage concrete driveways. After all, the jets have a huge amount of force in them, and if they are high enough in pressure they can actually injure human beings so concrete obviously can’t take that either. However, if you decided to soft washing instead of opting for full pressure, suffice it to say that you can reduce the chances that damage might be done.

Soft washing is a process by which pressure settings are reduced to a third of their normal parameters. This gives enough pressure to siphon of grease and dirt, and you can use a degreaser to make this lower pressure setting several orders of magnitude more effective as well which is certainly great all in all.