Which is Better to See – Grand Ole Opry or Ryman Theater?

Which is Better to See – Grand Ole Opry or Ryman Theater?


Most people that are living in the world at this current point in time tend to feel like they don’t have enough hours in the day to do all of the things that they need to do. Chances are that you can only ever end up taking one or at the most two weeks of vacation each and every year, and since your days off are so limited you might want to consider figuring out where you want to go so that you can make the most of it and not feel like you have wasted your precious vacation time to any extent at all.

One decision that you would most definitely be confused about would be whether to go to Grand Ole Opry or the Ryman theater. Both of these locations are going to be amazing for you if you are even the tiniest bit appreciative of country music and how unique it has a tendency to be, and as a result of the fact that this is the case making this decision would be most difficult for you without a shadow of a doubt.


However, we are of the opinion that going to the Ryman would be worth your while if you are an experienced country music fan. Those that are newer to the genre should go to the Grand Ole Opry since this will introduce them to lots of famous country stars, but if you already know all about them you would be better off checking out the Ryman since you will be immersed in its history. You can also take a guided tour of this venue which is really quite affordable.